Back To The Future Day was October 21st, so I’m a few days late writing this post. But October 21st 2015 was the day Marty McFly and Doc Brown travelled to in Back To The Future 2 in 1989. Marty Mcfly was obviously a teenager arrived in 2015 and it got me thinking were some of the predictions of the gadgets even remotely close to what there is available now? And would teen boys today want them?
A Hoverboard?
Firstly the Hoverboard. Marty Mcfly famously rides a hoverboard in Back to the Future 2. Unfortunately hoverboards aren’the quite available yet but there are some close imitations like the electric skateboard.
Electric Skateboard
This electric skateboard is so cool. Firstly with 2000 watts of power you may not be on a hoverboard but it certainly makes it easy to imagine being on one. It accellerates uphill and brake to a complete stop on the way back down. Great for city use, campus use, commuting or just for having fun.
It will set you back though (a mere $1499!!) Self Balancing Scooter
There are a number of self balancing scooters out there that also can make you feel like you are riding a hoverboard.
The one featured is the CoolReal self balancing two wheel scooter. It has a high speed of 12km per hour (7.45mph). It's recommended for ages 14 and up. Video Glasses
In the movie we see the future McFly family sitting down to dinner, Marty Junior and Marlene McFly are wearing video glasses where they can watch TV but also include the capability to make and receive phone calls. Marty Junior can only watch two TV channels at once.
Do we have similar technology today? You bet we do. There's google glass. Google Glass is effectively a wearable computer with an optical head-mounted display. The heads-up display coupled with voice activation allows users to see and interact with information in a smartphone-like hands-free format. On January 15, 2015, Google announced that it would stop producing the Google Glass prototype but remained committed to the development of the product. So, the technology is available but we will have to wait for it to be fine tuned. There are also virtual reality headsets that allow you to watch 3D movies as if you were watching them at the cinema as well as being great for gaming. There are many apps available for the virtual reality headsets too. The apps include things like rollercoaster experiences, mazes and zombie shooting. The range of virtual reality (VR) headsets is growing, There are very simple cardboard headsets with lenses to more advanced versions. They work with a smartphone which you put in the front of the headset and the lenses in the headset give you an immersive view. A good reality headset will blocks out all excess light so all you see is what is on the screen and you will feel like you are already there. Virtual Reality Headset - IncrediSonic VUE Series VR Glasses
The IncrediSonic Vue Series VR Glasses featured turn your smart phone into the ultimate 3D machine for 3D games and split screen movies. There are over 300 iOS/Android VR apps that the headset will work with.
The headset is comfortable with 3 adjustable straps. It also has a bluetooth remote which has many uses including a controller for VR video games, a selfie shutter controller and acts as a remote control for cell phone so will fast forward, rewind, pause and play movies. Tablets
There is a scene in the movie where it looks like Doc Brown is holding a tablet computer. Well, that certainly is a reality. And obviously many teen boys already have a tablet. And if they don't they will almost certainly appreciate one.
Check out our article on tablets for teens for some ideas. Hands Free Gaming
At the Cafe 80s Marty shows the little kids how the he shoots the gunman in the arcade game in the cafe. However, they criticize him as he is using his hands to use the gun, as it's like a baby toy. Atlhough they don't specifically mention hands free gaming, it could be implied. Of course with MIcrosoft Kinnect, hands free gaming has already been achieved on some level.
Microsoft XBOX 360 E 4GB Console with Kinect Sensor
For those who don't know, Kinnect enables users to control and interact with their console/computer without the need for a game controller, through a natural user interface using gestures and spoken commands. It's easy to use and fun, Kinect gets everyone off the couch. See a ball? Kick it. Control a HD movie with the wave of the hand. Want to join a friend in the fun? Simply jump in.
Obviously Kinnect has been around for a while now. So if a teenage boy wants one, he will probably request it. Smart Clothing
In The Back to the Future 2 movie there are quite a few examples of smart clothing such as trainers that lace themselves and an autoadjusting jacket. But in 2015 smart clothing is here and looks set to become even more useful than what is displayed in the movie.
There are examples of sportswear that measure your heartbeat. Check out Athos clothing to see this in action. There are also lots more examples of wearable technology such as the apple watch and fitbit monitors. Apple Watch
The Apple watch works with an iphone. You receive alerts on the watch of texts, e-mails, social network notifications and lots more without having to get your cell phone out from your bag (although it does need to be in range). This can be useful when you're in class or another place where you can't look at your cell phone. You can also use it to dictate texts from your watch to your phone. It also works with apps such as run keeper.
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